Friday, May 11, 2007

What I Should Have Said: Awkward Encounter at Church II

A few Sunday's ago I walked into my single's congregation kind of late. I quickly surveyed the room to find a familiar face, saw a friend of mine and sat by him. I also happened to sit next to a guy on my right whom I didn't know very well. No big deal. A girl down the row from us was trying to get the attention of the guy to my right. So I tapped him ONCE and he said, "Don't Touch." Okay. I laughed thinking it was a joke, but he wasn't kidding. I felt kind of bad. I figured maybe he has OCD or something. I can respect that. So I scooted closer to the friend on the left to give the dude some room. At the end of the meeting I asked him to pass me a hymnal for singing and he said, "Demanding." So I said, "Well. You told me not to touch you, so I didn't want to lean over you to grab it!" It made sense to me. I think he may have cracked a smile. I didn't want to probe.

What I should have said . . .
"Hey. It's a public place. It's New York. It's crowded. Get used to it."

This is as creative as I can get. I didn't wanna be mean to the guy. Although I suppose he was being kind of mean to me. But sometimes you just want your space.


wendyhc said...

when people say jazz like that to me, i like to say "kiss my grits" to them. you should try it. it scares people.

luminainfinite said...

Laughing OUT LOUD! I love "Don't touch." at church.

luminainfinite said...

Laughing out loud.