Monday, January 22, 2007

Old Age Has Officially Set In

Well. Ever since I started my job, I've become absurdly forgetful. I think it is because I have to pay such close attention at work to details. Here is what I have forgotten/lost since I started working...

An orthodontist appointment
My house keys--left them at work
A sticky bun (I bought it, and by the time I got home I'd lost it--huge disappointment!)
Left my yoga mat at a Mexican restaurant
$20 in an ATM machine. Somehow I lost it in between the atm and hailing a taxi
My cellphone--I left it in a cab. Luckily the driver answered it when I called and brought it back to me

I forget things every now and then. But this is just above and beyond my usual forgetfulness. Usually these incidents are more spread out.

So. If anyone has any suggestions for how I can recollect my marbles I would appreciate it.

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