Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Thesis DOES Matter

Wow. This is a big deal for me. So I googled my name only to discover that my thesis is mentioned in the "In The News" section on PicassoMio. It is one of the sites I mentioned in my thesis called, "The Online Art Market: Maximizing the Potential of Web Sites to Market and Grow Art Galleries." Check it out by clicking HERE! You will have to scroll down the page a bit.

This is a proud moment for me. I had no idea my thesis was "acclaimed".

I like PicassoMio because it gives the user alot of options to help determine what an art work might actually look like on the wall if bought. It may or may not make a difference. But it shows that they are making every effort to accommodate the user. And that is what I think a Web site should be all about. Focus on the AUDIENCE! That is the overall message of my thesis--in a nutshell.


Alyssa said...

Congratulations on being acclaimed!!! That is very exciting!

luminainfinite said...

nice work brainy brookie